
Content Consultancy


Our content consultancy services are designed to address your company's documentation and content needs from a holistic perspective. We start by working with you to discover your current situation, posting questions such as:


  • What documentation do you currently have?
  • What existing processes do you have for content updating and maintenance?
  • How do you envision your future content? What would you like to see happen?


We use this information to formulate an overall Documentation Strategy that addresses your needs, with a focus on content gaps. We then use your feedback to provide specific recommendations designed to address both your current requirements and future needs.

Technical Documentation


Technical documentation has evolved significantly over the last 15 years, evolving from paper-based PDF manuals to digitized device-agnostic help systems. Radigast has kept up-to-date with the latest trends and we are more than capable of delivering technical documentation for your solutions and applications. Examples of common technical documentation projects include:


  • HTML5 Embedded Help Systems
  • Content for mobile apps in multiple formats
  • Traditional PDF and print-based content
  • User Manuals/Guides, FAQs, How-to's, Tutorials, Learning Management Systems
  • Experience with a wide variety of solutions and technology, such as cloud apps, SaaS, IaaS, Internet of Things, and data science

Marketing Documentation


The challenge in marketing lies in conveying your message to your target audience. There are many factors involved in doing this, from the message itself (what do I want to say? how do I say it?) to its delivery (how will the right people see my content?). From our perspective, we can work with you to discover the most appropriate "voice" and then craft your marketing message appropriately. In order to do this, we focus on several core questions:


  • What do you want to say? Who is your audience?
  • What channel will be used? Online or in-person?
  • What medium will be used? Printed material (brochure, booklet, datasheet, whitepaper) or digital (press release, website content, blog articles)?
  • What is the scope? For a one-time event? Scheduled content? Or long-term evergreen SEO-based content?